23 February – Watched all of the Six Nations games on TV with my dad. He said that my namesake played in one of the games – Wigglesworth!
24 February – Visited Nanna and Grandpa’s in Swansea for the first time; they put up a welcome sign out for me. I had my photo taken in Alfie’s Bar, which I’m told will take pride of place behind the bar. One problem though: I can’t reach the optics yet. Met Nanna and Grandpa’s friends Bill & Lynne too before they head off to Australia for a month.
25 February – Amongst all of the other facial expressions, I’ve been working on my smile, and I unleashed it on Mam and Dad today. It seemed to make them very happy.
I’ve also been working on my throwing up, and I’m getting really good at it. My record is being sick on a new outfit just five seconds after being changed.
I’m starting to sleep for about four hours at a time through the night, so there’s only one proper night feed for Mam and Dad.
26 February – Went to Baby Club today (every Tuesday morning) and played with some of the baby gym stuff there. Mam and I had a long walk back through Ponty Park.
27 February – Went to the Bunch of Grapes for lunch with Mam and Nanna Irene.