10 January (day 1) - Quite an exciting day. I took everyone by surprise by arriving eight days early. It didn’t seem to phase anyone at the Royal Glamorgan Hospital. All the staff were wonderful, and my dad says that the hospital was far better than when he had to go into Prince Charles Hospital a few months ago. I got delivered by midwife Mair Matthews. Dad was there too, and a medical student was watching - he learned a few new words off mam that day.
Later on, nanna Irene and grandpa Frank visited; they were very happy to see me. Mam and I had to stay in the hospital overnight, whilst dad and my grandparents went home and had fish and chips. I had to make do with breast milk.
11 January - Got to go home. And to celebrate it snowed on the way. Got to try out my new car & carry seat. Its pretty comfy since I fell asleep as soon as I got in. Met Marvin.
12 January - One of the community midwives visited me today. They’re supposed to looking after my health but always want to wake me up. I had my first bath today. My mam and dad looked like they were terrified of dropping me. Not exactly dignified either. The bathtub is on the kitchen table and there are lots of photos being taken. I bet the photos will resurface to embarrass me in front of boyfriends in years to come.
14 January - Nanna and grandpa went home to Swansea today, leaving me with mam and dad. Did I notice a trace of panic in their eyes?
15 January - I had my first trip out. Or so I’m told; I slept through the whole thing. We went to Starbucks for a coffee and then Tescos to do some shopping. I’m told that this is as exciting as it gets for a while.
18 January - My first visit to Ebbw Vale. I went to see my nanna. She cuddled me on her lap and I snoozed through it all.
22 January - Had my first ride in my pram, now its finally stopped raining. We went for a walk through Ponty Park before mam took me to the GP surgery for more poking and prodding.
23 January - The health visitor visited to check on my health. She weighed me and found that I have put on a full six ounces since birth. I’m now a strapping 6lbs 6oz.
24 January - Went to my first pub. Mam and dad took me to the Bunch of Grapes (just by the bottom of the garden) for lunch. Well, lunch for them anyway. I snoozed through it all.
27 January - Both mam and dad went out and left me at home. Thankfully mam’s friend Louise was there to change my nappy and feed me.
28 January - Went to university today. To check out their nursery facility. I’ll probably start gong to a nursery when I’m six months old, so I need to be enrolled soon.
29 January - Mam and dad took me to my first Baby Club meeting. Its for all local babies under one year old, and its held in the local health centre for a couple of hours every Tuesday. It was nice to interact with lots of other babies and their mums. I played a bit and slept a bit. I met another baby Ava too.
All through there has been a constant stream of visits from friends, family and midwives. I’ve been sleeping a lot so the most that people get to see is me asleep in my Moses basket.
You Blog better than ya Dad Young Young Veale.....
hi both,
looks like you have another journalist in the family,the baby is bloody beautiful,good luck to you both.
best wishes
bill and lynne vonk
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