9 March – Mam and Dad went to stay the night at Llangoed Hall, and so I was looked after by Nanna and Grandpa. They spoiled me rotten, as usual.
15 March – Watched the Grand Slam decider with Dad. He says that I’m their lucky mascot, as they haven't lost since I was born.
20 March – I must be growing. I’ve been moved out of my Moses basket and into a proper cot. Now I can see what’s going on when I’m not snoozing.
21-24 March – My first trip to Mam and Dad’s caravan in Tresaith. It was cold. Very cold. The heating was going full blast and I wore so many layers that I looked like the Michelin Man. Got to try out my travel cot for the first time too. It snowed on our day trip to Aberystwyth.
29 March – Mam went to visit a friend and left Dad to cope with me overnight. He did OK. Considering.
1 April – Went to the regular Tuesday meeting of the baby club at the Health Centre in Pontypridd. We learned how to make our own Playdough. Well, I slept and Mam learned.
4 April – Dad really liked the card I bought for his birthday. It was hard work sneaking down the shops to get a card while he wasn’t looking though. And rummaging for change in my nappy isn't something I recommend.
8 April – Went swimming for the first time. Well, I say swimming, but mostly it was Mam holding me while we sang nursery rhymes with all the other mothers and babies. I enjoyed it immensely.
12-13 April – Spent the weekend with my Aunty Lou & Uncle Dave. They’re not really my aunty & uncle, but calling them just Lou and Dave didn’t seem right. Emily and Tess made a big fuss of me too, so I had six people looking after me. It was the second outing for my travel cot – very comfy too. Went out for a Chinese on Saturday night, and even the waitresses took turns at cuddling me.
14 April – Went to my doctor to get my second set of jabs. I didn’t want to suffer in silence so, as predicted, I screamed the place down. Mam and dad were there to soothe me so I was soon back to normal. I was weighed as well, and I am now 11lbs 4oz.
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