Anyway, a few highlights from the last few weeks:
I’ve had a cold this week, so that meant having a day off crèche with a bit of a temperature. I’m going to crèche three days a week now, Wednesday to Friday. Its good fun too: I get to play with lots of other babies and toddlers and the staff take good care of me. Dad usually drops me off on the way to work and mum picks me up.
My cold has meant that I haven’t been sleeping very well at night, so mum and dad are knackered. They reckon I’m starting teething too – I don’t know about that, I just like drooling!
We all went for a picnic last Saturday down in Ponty Park. We sat under a big willow tree by the bandstand and chilled out for the afternoon. Then last Sunday we went to Nanna Ena’s and had lunch in the garden. Then I watched while everyone did some gardening. Mum says I’ll be able to help out with the gardening soon.
A fortnight ago we all went to stay with Aunty Lou & Uncle Dave (Aunty Lou is an old college friend of mum’s, so not an aunt at all) and Emily & Tess Egg. Oh, and their four pet rats, which were cuter than rats really should be. Karen and Ray stayed too so the house was very full. I was the centre of attention. Uncle Dave did a barbeque and everyone drunk too much.
I gave everyone a scare a few weeks ago. I vomited and went very pale. Mum and dad took me to the ‘out of hours’ clinic at the Royal Glamorgan hospital, where I proceeded to throw up in the waiting room. That seemed to shift it because by the time a doctor saw me I was fine & gave him a big smile.
I went down to the doctor’s surgery for a check up and to be weighed last week. I’m now 14lbs 10oz. Which they say is bang on target for a growing baby almost 7 months old.
Oh, and I’ve finally started growing some hair. Phew! I was worried I was going to be like Grandpa!
I'm looking forward to seeing my cousins Robert and Emma from the USA. They're flying in next week to see me for the first time, along with their parents Uncle Tony and Aunty Heather.
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