The following weekend we all went down to Swansea to visit nanna and grandpa. Mam and dad weren’t well, so nanna looked after me, and we walked for miles (well, nanna walked, I slept in my pram). Mam got me a new fleecy ‘cosytoes’ liner for the pram, which means that I’m all snug whatever the weather.
With everyone feeling sick and bard, I stayed down in Swansea until Tuesday, but then was back in crèche as normal on Wednesday.
On Friday mam went to Glasgow on a weekend shopping trip with her best friend Louise. So dad and I were left to fend for ourselves. It was a close call as to who was the most helpless!
But we survived. On Saturday we went to IKEA. We went early and beat the crowds. Dad still managed to get lost in the store.
Visited nanna Ena on Saturday, and snoozed all the way to Ebbw Vale. We had pasta and caramel cream and I loved it. Then dad got into an argument in Morrisons’ car park when somebody tried to park in the parent & baby spaces without having a small child in tow.
On Sunday I visited auntie Bev and uncle Philly. (Yikes, am I really related to uncle Philly?) Bev’s family Deb and John were home for the weekend too. I was a bit overawed by the crowded room and cried.
I was glad to see mam when she got home on Sunday evening. But I think dad was even more relieved!
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