Passing the one-year-old milestone has meant no more bottle sterilising for mam and dad, and I’ve started on cow’s milk too. I’m pretty much eating anything that I’m given, even baby versions of dad’s spag bol and chilli.
My teeth are coming through thick and fast. I now have 6 at the top and 2 at the bottom, and some more starting to show through.
I’ve started to crawl forwards as well as backwards, but not in a co-ordinated fashion. So I can travel around the room but certainly not in a straight line!
I think it would be easier to walk. So I’ve started to try to stand up, usually by grabbing the furniture or one of my toys. But once I let go or the toy gives way then I fall down. But I can usually stay propped up for a while, even long enough for dad to get this photo.
Mam was away in London on Friday night, so dad had to look after me on his own. On Saturday we had rice crispies and toast together for breakfast. Then I went with dad to visit nanna Ena and take her to a hospital appointment in Newport. I’m very well travelled.
Today I went with mam and dad to the Rhondda Heritage Park for lunch, followed a snooze and then a ride on my trike. Phew, what a busy weekend.
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