Last week mam had a story in The Times about a day in the life of the fire service, as well as a bunch of stuff in The Guardian.
Anyway, I have a hoot at crèche. Abigail, Bethan and I now rule the Under-2s section, and reek havoc whenever we have the chance. When its sandplay time, I’m the one climbing head first into the sand pit. And dad can tell what I’ve had to eat by the front of my T-shirt!
My favourite pastimes are handing out hugs, and running away when its time to go to bed.
Last weekend mam, dad and me went to stay with nanna and grandpa down in Swansea. Grandpa filled up the paddling pool in the back garden and I splashed furiously. I was asleep by the time grandpa lit the bonfire – or BBQ has he called it: I think the flames have just about subsided by now.
Sunday I went to the beach in Aberavon and enjoyed running into the sea. I was covered in sun cream and sand; nanna reckoned I looked like a big emery board.
Needless to say, I was completely knackered last night and slept until gone 7am. (Thank goodness – Ed.)
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